Star Child (2003) 


May. 03 - May. 31, 2003 I Margo Leavin Gallery

Star Child (2003) 

Star Child (2003) 

84 x 84 in. 
Oil on slate paint on canvas

Hypnotize (2003) 

Hypnotize (2003) 

84 x 84 in. 
Oil on slate paint on canvas

Forever w/ Stars (2003) 

Forever w/ Stars (2003) 

36x36 in. 
Charcoal on vellum

I Wish, I Wish...Forever (2003) 

I Wish, I Wish...Forever (2003) 

36 1/8 x 36 1/8 inches
Charcoal on vellum

3 Wishes But The First 2 Don't Count (2003) 

3 Wishes But The First 2 Don't Count (2003) 

36 1/8 x 36 1/8 in. 
Charcoal on vellum

Star Sweep (2003) 

Star Sweep (2003) 

36 1/8 x 36 1/8 in. 
Charcoal on vellum

Little Star Field (2003) 

Little Star Field (2003) 

36 18 x 36 1/8 in. 
Charcoal on vellum